Helping those suffering from CRPS/RSD
Our alchemy turns your generosity into hope for those suffering with chronic illness.
a community resource Helping THOSE SUFFERING FROM CRPS
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy is a chronic neuro-inflammatory disorder.
CRPS is classified as rare by the USDA, though up to 200,000 individuals experience this condition in the US in any given year. The disease isolates people and strips them of their will to fight, so it is important for us to explore solutions that incorporate healing the mind, body and spirit. Our patient-partners have lost all hope; we provide hope, compassion and understanding.

we are an organization of action, rather than awareness.
We offer access to out-of-the-box treatment options where patients have a chance at remission. We offer advocacy to individuals, families and caregivers, helping them find their voice so that they won’t have to fight their battle alone or struggle to find the treatment they most desperately need.